220 Litre Green Compost Bin with Lid & Door
$19.99 Regular Price
$9.99Sale Price
Composting in general...
Site the composter on soil or lawn, if you're using a concrete base add a layer of soil to the floor before adding anything else. Put some woody plant stems in the bottom of the composter to help drainage and air circulation.
It is important to include a good mix of green and brown materials. If the mix is too wet add dryer material, and if it is too dry add wetter material or sprinkle with water. The compost should always be moist without being soggy. Keep the lid on to help retain heat.
Compost is produced more quickly in the summer and in the winter months. In the summer, good quality compost can be produced quite quickly, although it normally takes between 6 and 12 months to produce. There are many organic activators available which may be added to aid the composting process. These are available from most garden centres.
When compost is ready to use it should appear crumbly, dark and moist. If it does not look ready, leave it for a few more weeks. Some material like eggshells might not rot down completely but will not affect the quality of your compost.
Best material to include for really good compost:
uncooked fruit, vegetable scraps, eggshells, tea bags, coffee grounds
fresh grass cuttings, plant and hedge clippings, leaves and weeds (not flowering)
dampened egg and cereal boxes, singularly crumpled newspape, dry leaves, grass
straw and bedding from vegetarian pets
Material not suitable for composting:
glossy newsprint
cooked food
meat, fish or poultry of any kind
waste or contents of litter trays from non-vegetarian pets
corn cobs or husks, walnut, pecan or other hard nut shells
disposable nappies
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